
Out of the Cave

The start of sharing beautiful art through different mediums from underrated artists.


This is my very first blog post!

For the majority of my time spent in different parts of the world wide web, I’ve been more of a lurker. Just keeping to myself.

I have seen and heard many expressions of art that have touched my heart, and would like to share it with everyone. I thought it would be selfish to keep such beauty to myself.

I will do my best to stay consistent in sharing beautiful and wonderful art out into the world to people who need a little inspiration to keep going!

Today I will share a song. It’s a love song, hahaha. The simplicity of the acoustic and other instruments resonates in a way that it seems you are in the same room that they are playing. The lyrics involve a lot of romanticism that may come off as cheesy to some, but I think that it’s moving. Hope you enjoy!

Gooey Sounds

A great song to listen to while cruising back home after a long day of doing mundane tasks that suck the life from you which causes you to be lethargic and question the meaning of your existence on a flying rock rotating endlessly in an ever expanding universe that will someday disappear millions or trillions milleniums later.

Help Yourself

As children our parents are there to constantly guide and help us understand the world we live in. In turn we are constantly curious and open to advice and help from them and other people close to us.

But as we get older, the curiosity starts to fade and we begin to think we know everything there is to life and not ask for anyone’s help. However when problems arise, and we are not sure how to solve them, looking for help is harder to do because of pride. This kind of attitude can prevent you from gaining new insights from people who have experienced the same problems.

So whenever you have a problem don’t be afraid to ask for help, and be sure that you are open to the advice that is given to you.

Here is a song with a playful tune that kind of describes what I mean. Enjoy!